Unpredictable Market for Garlic Ingredients

garlic ingredients

June 2020 saw a good harvest and yield for Chinese garlic, offering an output of 8 ā€“ 8.5 million MT. Levels similar to those last seen in 2018.

Because of the excess volume of garlic, prices at the start of the season were low which triggered earlier international buying activity.

The high quality of the crop resulted in a limited supply of smaller bulbs, which dehydrators typically would use. Dehydrators have had to resort to using the readily available larger bulbs to fulfil demand, pushing up the flake prices.

In mid-June, the market started to firm and prices climbed rapidly in reaction to the early surge in purchasing. Compared with the lowest level on the 1st of June, pricing for garlic is currently 30% higher.

How can Brusco help with your garlic ingredients needs?

Here at Brusco Food Group, we have a fantastic selection of powdered garlic, dehydrated minced garlic and garlic puree, ready for your production preference.

Powdered Garlic

Typically found in seasoning, gravy and dry rubs, this beautifully aromatic powder add incredible flavour to meats or vegetables. Produced by dehydrating and grounding the garlic to a fine powder ready for use.

Dehydrated Minced Garlic

Long lasting, great tasting and easily added to all savoury dishes, our dehydrated minced garlic is highly popular when it comes to ready meals. Perfect within soups, stews and pasta.

Garlic Puree

Beautiful rich in flavour and smooth in texture, our garlic puree is used within spreads, sauces and casserole-style dishes.

Not only does the puree add flavour, but it also takes away the hassle of skinning and crushing of cloves. It also saves hands from that ever-lasting garlic smell. Our garlic puree’s come in either ambient cooked or raw.

We offer stable prices during a turbulent Garlic Ingredients Market

Here at Brusco Food Group, we are currently holding garlic stock which we are offering at competitive prices.

Talk to our team today at 01386 761 555 or email info@brusco.co.uk to discuss your garlic ingredients requirements.