Ensure your tomato ingredients are ethically sourced with Brusco

BBC reports over the weekend have identified that some ‘Italian’ tomato purees sold by some UK supermarkets appear to contain tomatoes that have been grown and picked in Xinjiang region of China using forced labour. Brusco’s supply chain doesn’t source from this region of China, so you can be confident with us.

Our customers will already be aware that Brusco supplies many household brands and major food manufacturers in the UK, so please reach out to us if you would like any help or assistance in securing a new ethical supply of great quality tomato ingredients, puree, chopped or sauce, plus organic if required in various formats.

You can rest assured in the authenticity of our frequently visited factories and suppliers. While the ‘Italian’ tomatoes have been reported as being sourced from China, we work with suppliers from 5 different countries to ensure we offer customers a risk-free supply chain of tomatoes direct from the country of origin.

As Brusco is a major importer and distributor of tomato ingredients, you can be confident that you are working with a partner that sources only the most ethical supply available. You can also be certain you’ll receive quality service and product integrity, recognised in Brusco’s ‘AA’ grade certification with BRCGS.

You can read more information on Chinese forced-labour here.

The technical team is on hand to discuss any questions you may have on the tomatoes market, so get in touch on technical@brusco.co.uk.

Alternatively, to discuss moving your tomato supply to Brusco, contact the team by phoning 01386 761 555 or email info@brusco.co.uk.

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